Sunday, February 26, 2006

So How Are the Resolutions?

1. Started socking money away, under the mattress.
2. Got a new Razr cell phone because I couldn't let my nephew, age 10, have one and get away with it. Besides, I had just dropped my crummy LG phone in the toilet and it stopped working (I wonder why!!), and now with the Razr I can take fotos and video AND the phone really more dropped calls!!
3. I called my sister's family and we all went to a do-it-yourself Japanese teppan restaurant. We whetted our appetites first by shopping at South Coast Plaza for 2 hrs.
4. I got Dad out of the house and it's now rented. He's living with Aunt Etsu, Aunt Mae, and his long term girlfriend, Yoko.....not at the same time, just sequentially.
5. One kid will be graduating in June from UC Riverside. No job on the horizon.
6. I've been exercising 3 x per week. Treadmill for 25 min @ 6 mph and the elliptical for 20 min at #7 setting.
7. We went to Carbonara, Villa Roma, Anjin, Farmer's Mkt at 3rd and Fairfax, the Grove, Terra Bella Center, and more.....we've been going out alot more and dancing, too. We've gone out with friends, rather than go out alone, even if it's spur of the moment. We've also had a few big dinners at the house....good fun and MUCH better service than at a restaurant!! The drinks aren't watered down or short and the wine is top cabin. Also, No need to BEG for water or bread!!!
8. The garage is slowly losing weight.
9. I am raising cockatiels again, again. I love birds. We also inherited another man eating cat in Oly...he was driven out of my sister's house....he likes to jump on counters and knock things over.
10. I've enrolled a new student pilot, Travis, and we had our first lesson on Sunday. He's motivated and intelligent and should have his license in 50 hours. We flew in a Piper Cherokee and did take-offs and landings at Long Beach Airport. Even after 4000+ take-offs and landings, it's still thrilling....
11. I attended two industry sponsored seminars. They usually suck. One was a rubber chicken dinner but invaluable in that I met a great oral surgeon for my implant patients. The other was a "painless" laser seminar at Morton's......I NEVER turn down a dinner at Morton's!! The laser cost $80,000 and the $150 dinner was free. Do the math. Reminds me of those Vegas timeshare presentations.
12. On our Tango Cruise in Florida 5 weeks ago, my instructor said to "keep your head up; your body always follows your head position." Result: I walk with my head up and now I don't slouch, as much. Besides, it really wasn't worth looking for pennies anymore....I did find a $250 wad of cash outside the bank once, but that's another story. I'd rather stand/sit straight than worry about not stepping on cracks in the sidewalk.


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