If You Have To Ask How Much Gas Costs Per Gallon, You Can't Afford To Fly
It was great seeing the boys!!
My UCSF Soph son, Kevin, and his galpal, Abi, needed to get to Fresno for the family Turkey day. They could have taken the bus, train, bummed a ride, flown commercially, rented a car. But since I needed to practice my instrument approaches in the twin, and since I wasn't familiar with the NorCal airspace, I decided to pick them up.
On Thanksgiving morning, I flew up to Palo Alto (KPAO), IFR. I am glad it was a relatively nice day. The final approach in to the airport was rather rushed and I had my hands full flying, navigating, copying last minute route changes, changing frequencies, talking to controllers, reading approach charts, and all of this in a cloudy environment.
At the airport, my number one son, Corey, who lives in E. Palo Alto, met me for a quick coffee at the clubhouse on the golf course adjacent to the airport. Soon, Kev and Abi arrived, and we then returned to Fresno (KFAT). The flight each way was about 50 minutes, consuming about 25 gallons each way @ $4.50 per gallon or about $112.50, not too bad, but not good either.